Woman’s Place online event
There is a Woman’s Place UK online event on the 4th June 6:30pm. They will be discussing holding NGOs to account with Gita Sahgal, Iseult White and Kajsa Ekis Ekman.
A Woman's Place is holding NGOs to account: Women's Rights are Human Rights - join @GitaSahgal @iseult and Kajsa Ekis Ekman to discuss how well human rights NGOs are upholding women’s rights and what we can do to put things right...
Audio book launch
There is an online audio book launch of Julie Bindel's book 'The Pimping of Prostitution featuring Rachael Moran at 4pm Sunday. It is a free event, any voluntary contributions will be split between FiLiA and the Centre For Women's Justice.
“This new release is timely and pertinent. As the pro-prostitution lobby gathers pace in both the UK and elsewhere, so must the abolitionist movement, which is fully represented in this book.”
"All of them said that at one stage of their involvement in the sex trade they would have argued that sex work was a way to take back control of their bodies and / or lives."
Join Julie Bindel and Rachel Moran for The Pimping of Prostitution audio launch
Standing for Women
Update; Posie Parker will be at Speakers Corner from 12.00 Midday. Will you come along and speak?
Standing For Women @StandingforXX