A Quick Action for Green Party Members
The Green Party Conference is underway this week with lines drawn between members who believe in science and support women's rights and those who subscribe to the faith of gender identity ideology. No fewer than eight motions up for debate are in some way related to this battle for the soul of the party.
As well as proposals for self-identification of sex, and parents to choose whether they are a 'mother' or 'father', there is a motion calling for surrogacy services for males who want babies. One of the most contentious motions is the one calling for a chapter on women's rights to be inserted into the party's policies - amazingly there is no such chapter at present. The party's LGBTIQA+ group has been actively campaigning against this.
Currently also hoping to get a hearing, is a motion that would call for offshore clinic GenderGP to be prohibited from operating in the UK. GenderGP is able to side-step the recent Keira Bell High Court ruling that children should not be prescribed sex hormones without a court order.
One of the most vociferous opponents of the motion to outlaw GenderGP is Kathryn Bristow, who after a year of gender transition was recently elected as co-chair of Green Party Women. The opposition is understandable as Kathryn’s job is advising children on how to access puberty blockers outside the NHS through her employer, GenderGP .
Call to Action
If you are a Green Party member, please “like” the emergency motion regarding GenderGP on the Green Party website.
To have a chance of being debated, the emergency motion needs to get the most 'likes', but trans activists are now piling in to support rival motions in the hope of bumping this off its current top spot.