Do they know about the NEW conversion therapy?
The petition states:
There is almost nobody who would disagree with these statements when it comes to LGB conversion therapy. A problem, however, arises when the T is included. Banning “conversion therapy” for children suffering from gender dysphoria (or so called “trans kids”) would give parents, therapists and other trusted adults no other option than to affirm the child’s gender identity. This leads the child to believe that changing their body to live as the opposite sex is the answer to their problems; the first step to lifelong medicalisation. Studies have shown, however, that if gender dysphoric children are not affirmed, the majority will grow out of it once they have gone through puberty.
Here, Dr David Bell discusses how, not only the affirmation approach prevents underlying issues being explored, but how it oppresses a child’s sexual identity and prevents them from growing up to be happy and healthy, gay adults. In other words, it is a form of conversion therapy.
Call to Action
We are short on time. If you can, write to your MP today to ensure they know that being LGB and having gender dysphoria are not the same thing, and that affirming children in their chosen gender identity is a form of LGB conversion therapy. You could also share with them this letter written by Keith Jordan and this article.
Please also talk about this as much as possible on Twitter, tagging in peers such as Claire Fox, Lord David Triesman, Lord Philip Hunt and Lord Ralph Lucas.
Keira Bell and Mrs A are still in need of funds for the Appeal brought by the Tavistock. You can donate here!