Petition: Subject all outside providers of educational materials to children to Ofsted.
16th July 2021
Petition: Subject all outside providers of educational materials to children to Ofsted.
There is a petition to the UK government calling to establish a framework for inspecting providers of training to teachers and others dealing with children, i.e providing activities with children and producing learning materials such as lesson plans. They ask that Ofsted certify providers to ensure they meet the framework standards and limit public funding to certified providers.
“There is increasing use of outside providers especially in libraries, & in schools for RSE programmes. Schools reported recently to Ofsted they are bombarded with emails from potential providers & feel unable to know who is worth using. Even well known charities have been found to breach government guidelines. Some materials are valueless (with literacy & numeracy mismatched) & some activities age-inappropriate (monkeys with large penises in libraries). Certification is needed.”
Safeguarding should be paramount in our schools yet we are increasingly seeing this ignored. At 10,000 signatures the government will respond to this petition, please share and sign if you are in the UK.
Sign the petition here.